Krzysztofa Komedy 2a/u02 | Jasień Bulwary Gdańsk

Teeth whitening Gdańsk

Everyone wants a beautiful smile that evokes positive associations and is a sign of attractiveness. However, when we show yellow teeth instead of white, it can lead others to think that we don’t care about personal hygiene. Often, however, the change in color is caused by smoking, drinking coffee, tea, cola, red wine, or orange juice. In such cases, teeth whitening comes to the rescue.

At Neptune Dent – Gdańsk, we offer comprehensive teeth whitening using laser technology. We have years of experience and utilize modern solutions to provide the best results to our patients. Contact us to achieve a beautiful and white smile!

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Teeth whitening at the dentist. Everything you need to know

Maintaining proper daily oral hygiene can mitigate the staining effects of food. However, over time, teeth can still darken, become more yellow, and stain unevenly. Therefore, teeth whitening is the most effective method to maintain a beautiful smile.

Teeth whitening involves breaking down pigment molecules inside the tooth and then flushing them out through the tubules.

Discover the benefits of teeth whitening. The Tri-City area is one of the regions in Poland where more and more people are deciding to care for their smiles.

Teeth whitening at the dentist. Is it worth seeing a specialist?

Due to potential contraindications, the teeth whitening procedure should be performed by a dentist. In many cases, only a doctor can determine whether whitening will not harm the patient’s health.

The dentist conducts an interview and examines the oral cavity to assess the feasibility of the procedure. Contraindications include cavities, periodontitis, or gum inflammation. Patients may also be allergic to substances in whitening agents. Age can also be a barrier— the procedure is not performed on individuals under the age of 16.

Dentists know how to effectively whiten teeth. Before starting the procedure, they may recommend performing oral hygiene to remove plaque and tartar using scaling and sandblasting. This ensures even lightening.

Remember that over-the-counter products available in drugstores, when used without specialist consultation, can cause cavities, enamel damage, or long-term sensitivity.

Stomatolog wybielanie zębów Gdańsk

Teeth Whitening Methods

Teeth whitening is carried out using several methods, which can be divided into two main types: in-office whitening or at-home whitening.


  • In-office teeth whitening involves applying a gel to the teeth, activated by laser teeth whitening. Gdańsk is a city where many patients opt for this method. 
  • Diode laser teeth whitening provides immediate results, as it is a one-time procedure that lasts about an hour. It is especially recommended for individuals without many fillings, who have thick enamel and do not suffer from tooth sensitivity.
  • The tray method is an at-home teeth whitening approach. The dentist takes an impression of the patient’s jaw, then creates trays tailored to the shape of the patient’s teeth. The dentist demonstrates how to fill the trays with whitening gel and place them on the teeth. The patient receives the whitening gel and applies it independently at home for about two weeks.

How much does teeth whitening cost?

 The tray method starts at 600 PLN. In-office laser whitening costs 1000 PLN.

Check the price list of services offered at Neptune Dent to learn more!

Recommendations After Tray and Laser Whitening

Immediately after teeth whitening, a “white diet” should be followed, excluding strongly staining foods. Sensitivity may also persist for several days.

The longevity of whitening results is enhanced by avoiding beverages and foods that cause staining, such as coffee, tea, and red fruits and vegetables. Whitening toothpastes can also be used.

Teeth Whitening Results

The effects of teeth whitening can last up to three years, although the exact duration depends on the method chosen and the care of the teeth after the procedure. Following the dentist’s guidelines helps to prolong the effects of the treatment.

In the future, teeth whitening can be repeated. However, there should be a minimum interval of six months between treatments.

Fillings, bridges, or crowns do not change color due to whitening agents—the materials they are made from have a fixed color. Therefore, if the rest of the teeth are treated and appear significantly lighter than the existing front restorations, it may be necessary to replace the filling, crown, or bridge to achieve a uniformly white smile.

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Is teeth whitening painful?

Teeth whitening treatments are safe and painless, though some slight discomfort and sensitivity may occur. Diode laser illumination also has no adverse effects—the emitted beam is safe for health.

It is a misconception that whitening weakens the enamel structure. The agents do not damage the tissue, and the dentist takes care of choosing the right product, concentration, and timing of illumination.

How to effectively whiten dead teeth? It is possible but must be done in a dental office, usually over several visits.

Only the work of a specialist can yield good results. Therefore, decide on teeth whitening in Gdańsk and dazzle your loved ones with a beautiful smile!


To schedule an appointment, please contact the office from Monday to Friday between 10 AM and 6 PM at the following phone number: 459 452 305.

Visit our Neptune Dent office located at Krzysztofa Komedy Street 2a/u02, 80-176 Gdańsk.

You can also schedule an appointment through the Znany Lekarz service.

Our Patients' Testimonials

  • I was searching searching for a dental clinic that offers affordable dental implants, crowns, inlays, and onlays, Dental Clinic Neptune Dent should be your top choice. With a commitment to... Czytaj więcej...

    Harold Douglas
    September 30, 2023

    Very good! 😉

    luke (arise)
    September 23, 2020

    Byłem w klinice Neptun na zabiegu i jestem bardzo zadowolona. Pani doktor była bardzo profesjonalna i wyjaśniła wszystko dokładnie. Personel jest także bardzo miły i pomocny. Zabieg przeszedł bez żadnych... Czytaj więcej...

    Irena Berbnatek
    February 23, 2023
  • Od dawna leczę tutaj moje zęby, zarówno ja jak i mój mąż i obydwoje jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni. Świetne podejście do pacjentów, dogodne terminy, wszystko idealnie.

    Gosia Rudzińska
    June 23, 2023

    Wielokrotnie korzystałem z usług gabinetu i miałem okazję być pacjentem p.Agnieszki i p.Damiana - specjaliści na wysokim poziomie. Polecam NeptuneDent. Profesjonalne podejście, zabiegi wykonywane z doskonałą starannością i dbałością .... Czytaj więcej...

    Marcin F.
    July 23, 2023

    Gabinet Neptune to miejsce, w którym pacjenci czują się jak w domu. Przyjmujący lekarze i personel są bardzo przyjaźni, a wyposażenie gabinetu jest na najwyższym poziomie. Miałem tam zabieg z... Czytaj więcej...

    bartek dulęba
    February 23, 2023
  • Wyrywanie zęba całkowicie bezbolesne a uwierzcie mi, panicznie się tego bałam. A tutaj Pani doktor delikatnie wprowadziła znieczulenie i później już naprawdę nic nie czułam. Polecam

    Angelika Brzezińska
    April 23, 2023

    Pani Dr Stela wykonywała mi leczenie kanałowe pod mikroskopem. Zabieg wykonany bardzo szybko i całkowicie bezboleśnie. Dziękuję i polecam serdecznie.

    Antoni Wojciechowski
    March 23, 2023

    Super gabinet! Mimo początkowego strachu przed dentystami, jestem mega zadowolony. Doktor Damian wszytko jasno wytłumaczył co będzie robione i czego można siw spodziewać po zabiegu. Napewno tam wrócę 😁 Polecam!

    Szymon Fajdek
    September 25, 2023
  • Polecam ten gabinet. Naprawdę bardzo dobra jakość leczenia i super podejście do klienta. Byłam już na kontroli i uzupełnić ubytki. Wszystko w porządku.

    Monika Lubik
    January 23, 2023

    Zabieg przeszedł bezboleśnie polecam!!

    Miłosz Sprycha
    July 30, 2023

    Very satisfied, professional care, well done treatment. Highly recommend. Thank you! Bardzo profesjonalnie, doskonała opieka i jakość leczenia. Więcej niż zadowolony. Dziękuję!

    Marcin Czerniawski
    June 23, 2023